African Languages and Literature -- 2016



ALL     101

Introduction to Modern African Literature

ALL    101

Introduction to Modern African Literature (Suppl.)

ALL    102

Introduction to Traditional Literature/Oral literature

ALL    103

Introduction  to Phonetics and Phonology

ALL    103

Introduction  to Phonetics and Phonology(Suppl.)

ALL    104

Morphology and Syntax

ALL    104

Morphology and Syntax (Suppl.)

IDE- ALL    110

Introduction to the Study of Language I

IDE - ALL     110

Introduction to the Study of Language I (Suppl.)

IDE- ALL    111

Introduction to Prose fiction and Prose non-fiction

IDE- ALL    111

Introduction to Prose fiction and Prose non-fiction (Suppl.)

IDE- ALL    112

Introduction to the study of language II

IDE- ALL    112

Introduction of Study of language II (Suppl.)

ALL    113

Introduction to Traditional Literature/Oral Literature

ALL    113

Introduction to Traditional Literature/Oral Literature (Suppl)

IDE- ALL     114

Introduction to Poetry and Drama

IDE- ALL    210

Introduction to Linguistics

IDE- ALL     210

Introduction to Linguistics (Suppl.)

ALL    211

Linguistics Analysis of the Main Language I

ALL    211

Linguistics Analysis of the Main Language I (Suppl.)

IDE- ALL    211

Linguistics Analysis of the Main Language I

IDE- ALL    211

Linguistics Analysis of the Main Language I (Suppl.)

IDE- ALL    212

Post-Colonial African fiction and non fiction

ALL 213/  IDE- AL

Post-Colonial African Poetry and Drama


Post-Colonial African Poetry and Drama (Suppl.)

ALL 214/IDE- AL  214

Traditional/Oral Literature

ALL  214/IDE-AL 214

Traditional /Oral Literature (Suppl.)

ALL    310

Linguistics Analysis of the Main Language II

ALL    310

Linguistics Analysis of the Main Language II

ALL    311

History of Linguistics : Western

ALL    311

History of Linguistics : Western (Suppl.)

ALL    312

History of Linguistics : Bantu

ALL    312

History of Linguistics : Bantu (Suppl.)

ALL    312

History of Linguistics : Bantu

ALL    312

History of Linguistics : Bantu (Suppl.)

ALL    313

Advanced Studies in African Novel and Biography/Autobiography

ALL    313

Advanced Studies in African Novel and Biography/Autobiography (Suppl.)

ALL   314/IDE-AL314

Advanced Studies in African Poetry and Drama

ALL   314/IDE-AL 314

Advanced Studies in African Poetry and Drama (Suppl.)

ALL   315/IDE- AL 315

Traditional /Oral Literature II

ALL   315/IDE- AL 315

Traditional /Oral Literature II (Suppl.)

ALL   316/IDE- AL 316

Introduction to the Grammar of a Second Language(Southern Sotho)

ALL   316/IDE- AC 316

Introduction to the Grammar of a Second Language(Southern Sotho) Suppl.

AL    410

Linguistics Analysis of the Main Language III

IDE - AL    410

Linguistics Analysis of the Main Language III

IDE –AL    410

Linguistics Analysis of the Main Language III (Suppl.)

AL          411

Linguistics Analysis of the Main Language IV

IDE- AL     411

Linguistics Analysis of the Main Language IV

IDE - AL   411

Linguistics Analysis of the Main Language IV (Suppl.)

AL    412/IDE- 412

Introduction of Historical and Comparative Linguistics: Western

AL   412/IDE- AL 412

Introduction of Historical and Comparative Linguistics: Western(Suppl.)

AL   413/IDE- AL 413

Introduction of Historical and Comparative Linguistics: Bantu

AL   412/IDE- AL 413

Introduction of Historical and Comparative Linguistics: Bantu (Suppl.)

AL  414/IDE- AL 414

Thematic Studies in the African Novel  and Biography/Autobiography

AL   415/IDE-AL 415

Thematic Studies in the African Poetry and Drama

AL   415/IDE- AL 416

Thematic Studies in the African Poetry and Drama

AL   416/IDE - AL 416

Traditional /Oral Literature III

AL   416/IDE - AL 416

Traditional /Oral Literature III (Suppl.)

AL  418/IDE- AL 418

Language Acquisition in Optionality Theory

AL418/IDE- AL 418

Language Acquisition in Optionality (Theory) Suppl