African Languages and Literature -- 2017




ALL     101

Introduction to modern literature

ALL    101

Introduction to modern literature (Suppl.)

ALL    102

Introduction to oral literature/orature

ALL    102

Introduction to oral literature/orature (Suppl.)

ALL    103

Introduction  to phonetics and phonology

ALL    103

Introduction  to phonetics and phonology(Suppl.)

ALL    104

Morphology and syntax

IDE- ALL 110

Introduction to the study of language I

IDE - ALL 110

Introduction to the study of language I (Suppl.)

IDE- ALL  111

Introduction to prose fiction and prose non-fiction

IDE- AL  111

Introduction to Prose fiction and Prose non-fiction (Suppl.)

IDE- AL 112

Introduction to the study of language II


Introduction to oral literature/orature


Introduction to oral literature/orature (Suppl.)


Introduction to poetry and drama


Introduction to poetry and drama (Suppl.)

Al 201/IDE-AL212

Post-colonial fiction and non –fiction / contemporary African fiction and non-fiction

Al 201/IDE-AL212

Post-colonial fiction and non –fiction / contemporary African poetry and drama(Suppl.)

ALL 202/IDE-AL 213

Post-colonial African poetry and drama/contemporary African poetry and drama (Suppl.)

ALL 203

Studies in oral poetic and traditional dramatic forms

ALL 203

Studies in oral poetic and traditional dramatic forms(Suppl.)

ALL 204

Advanced Syntax

ALL 204

Advanced Syntax (Suppl.)

ALL 206/AL 211

The noun phrase in Siswati

ALL 206/AL 211

The noun phrase in Siswati (Suppl.)

ALL 207

Advanced phonology

ALL 207

Advanced phonology (Suppl.)

AL 210/IDE-AL 210

Introduction to linguistics

AL 210/IDE-AL 210

Introduction to linguistics (Suppl.)


Linguistics analysis of the main language I (Suppl.)

IDE- AL214

Traditional/oral literature I

IDE- AL214

Traditional/oral literature I (Suppl.)

IDE- AL310

Linguistics analysis of the main language II

IDE- AL310

Linguistics analysis of the main language ii (Suppl.)

AL 311

History of linguistics

IDE- AL311

History of linguistics : Western


History of linguistics : Western (Suppl.)

IDE- AL312

History of linguistics : Bantu

IDE- AL313

History of linguistics : Bantu

AL313/  IDE- AL313

Advanced studies in African novel and biography/ autobiography

AL314/IDE- AL  314

Advanced studies in African poetry and drama

AL314/IDE- AL  314

Advanced studies in African poetry and drama (Suppl.)

AL315/IDE- AL  315

Traditional /oral literature II

AL315/IDE- AL  315

Traditional /oral literature II (Suppl.)

AL316/IDE- AL  316

Introduction to grammar of a second language (Southern Sotho)

AL316/IDE- AL  316

Introduction to grammar of a second language (Southern Sotho) (Suppl.)

AL410/IDE- AL  410

Linguistics of the main language III

AL411/IDE- AL  411

Linguistics analysis of the main language IV

AL411/IDE- AL  411

Linguistics analysis of the main language IV  (Suppl.)

AL412/IDE- AL412

Introduction to historical and comparative linguistics: Western

AL412/IDE- AL412

Introduction to historical and comparative linguistics: Western (Suppl.)

AL413/IDE- AL413

Introduction to historical and comparative linguistics: Bantu

AL413/IDE- AL413

Introduction to historical and comparative linguistics: Bantu (Suppl.)

AL414/IDE- AL414

Thematic studies in African poetry and drama and biography/autobiography

AL414/IDE- AL414

Thematic studies in the African novel  and biography/autobiography (Suppl.)

AL 415/IDE-AL 415

Thematic studies in African poetry and drama


Traditional /Oral Literature III


Special paper (development of African short story as a genre)


Special paper(development of African short story as a genre) (Suppl.)